Guide of Body Piercing Price List
All Prices include jewelry that is appropriate for initial healing.
(any other piercing that is not in this price list which you would like to have..... just ask for it.)
Type of piercing :

Ear Lobes Piercing Gold (for Pair Studs).
..........€30 to €35 (depending on jewelry).
Ear Lobes 316 surgical steel (for Pair Studs).
..........€30 to €35 (depending in jewelry).
Ear Lobe Piercing (Stud).
Ear Lobe Piercing (with ring).
.....................................................€ 30.00
Ear Lobe Piercing (with barbell).
.....................................................€ 35.00
The Helix, Forward Helix & Anti Helix or Snug -- takes longer to heal than the ear lobe and is better pierced with a needle than an ear piercing gun. The ear lobe can be pierced with an ear piercing gun using a shed or pierced with a needle for a ring. Anesthetics can be used for piercing around the ear. Healing time for the ear is around 6 to 8 weeks.
Ear Piercing, Tragus, Rook, Etc... (with ring).
....................................................€ 30.00
Ear Piercing, Tragus, Rook, Conch, Etc... (with barbell).
.....................................................€ 35.00
These piercing have greater individuality than the pinna or the earlobe, The Tragus -- being the most popular of the three. Because of the placement of the piercing in the ear, these piercing can not be performed by a gun, but must be pierced by a needle. Anesthetics can sometime be used, although it is preferable not to on the Rook and Conch. The Rook, Conch, Daith, Tragus and Anti Tragus can all be pierced with rings of 1mm curved barbells. Other options are available. Healing times are similar to the rest of the ear around 6 weeks.

Industrial Piercing (with barbell).
.....................................................€ 60.00
An Industrial Piercing -- as typically found in the upper cartilage of the ear, is made up of two piercings connected with a bar. This type of piercing is not an easy to handle. It could be very painful and prone to infections. The best way to avoid any risks, is to follow your piercer's after care advice. Typically, this piercing heals for about 3-4 weeks to six months. You should be careful during the healing time.
Eyebrow Piercing (with ring).
.....................................................€ 35.00
Eyebrow Piercing (with barbell).
.....................................................€ 40.00
The Eyebrow Piercing -- has become very popular over the past few years and it can be used to good aesthetic effect. The area can be pierced with a BCR or a Barbell and usually pierced at a lower gauge than other areas of the body due to swelling and possible bruising around the eye. Please bear in mind that eyebrow piercing have a tendency to migrate so the usual for retaining the piercing is 6 months to 2 years.

Nose Piercing (with jewel L- shaped stud).
.....................................................€ 35.00
Nose Piercing (with ring).
.....................................................€ 30.00
Nostrils -- should not be pierced with a gun ever! This is because of risks of cross contamination, guns can not be autoclaved or kept sterile, therefore there is a risk. The studs are also not long enough to accommodate the tissue of a nostril and even without the butterfly they can scratch and tear newly forming tissue, aside from this they are unsightly. The nostril is best pierced with an anesthetic and a needle using a ball closure ring or an L-shaped stud. Healing time is around 6 weeks, but they can shrink very quickly so change jewelry immediately and never leave jewelry out for any length of time for 6 to 12 months.
Septum Piercing (with ring or horse shoe barbell).
.................................................... € 40.00
The Septum Piercing -- is placed through the cartilage wall in the middle of the nose. In recent years, this piercing is has drastically increased in popularity. I believe I know the reason the septum piercing has caught on so well! Consider this: septum jewelry is highly noticeable when you want it on show. Slap bang in the middle of your face. Yet it is also easily hidden! The septum piercing looks badass and edgy. Although with a smaller ring it can look strangely delicate and beautiful! This piercing suits most face and nose shapes. It does not alter the appearance of the nose in the long run. Although swelling may occur for a few days after the piercing is first done. Primarily on the inside of the nose. Once you have your septum pierced complete healing can take about 6 to 8 months.

Bridge Piercing (with straight barbell).
..................................................... €40.00
Bridge Piercing -- is a kind of facial piercing, done horizontally in the bridge region of the nose, between the eyes. This form of piercing is also known as “Earl” or “Erl” piercing after Earl Van Aken, who was the first to have it done on him. the vertical bridge piercing is a surface piercing, There is also a high risk of scarring when the jewellery is removed. It takes about a span of 8 to 12 weeks to heal externally. However, internal healing may span between 4 to 6 months or even last longer, depending on the aftercare taken.
Lip Piercing Monroe or Madonna (with bar).
.....................................................€ 35.00
Lip Piercing Monroe or Madonna (with single jewel bar).
.....................................................€ 40.00
Monroe Piercing -- A horizontal upper lip piercing placed through the skin above the right or left side of the upper lip. Monroe piercings -- which are also called Madonna piercings or Crawford piercings -- get their name from the way they mimic these stars' upper lip moles.
The Lip Piercing -- is pierced anywhere through the lips and can accommodate a ring or a stud which has a flat plate. The healing takes approximately 4 to 5 weeks. Swelling will occur for 2 to 3 weeks. Various jewelry can be worn.

Labret (with ring).
.....................................................€ 35.00
Labret (with barbell).
.....................................................€ 40.00
​Snake Bites (×2 jewelry if pierced on same day).
.................................................... € 60.00
Labret Piercing -- is the same type of piercing as the lip piercing but is centered on the lower part of the lip or from side to side. Snake Bites - This pair of horizontal lower lip piercings placed through the left and right sides of the lower lip gets its name from the way the two piercings mimic the bite marks a snake's fangs would make. You can wear labret studs, captive rings, circular barbells, or lip loop labrets in snake bites piercings. The healing takes approximately 4 to 5 weeks. Swelling will occur for 2 to 3 weeks. Various jewelry can be worn.
Smiley Piercing (with ring or horse shoe barbell).
..................................................... €50.00
A lip frenulum piercing -- is a body piercing through the frenulum of either the upper or lower lip. A piercing through the upper lip frenulum is sometimes called a scrumper, or a smiley, because it can be visible when the wearer smiles. Opposingly, the piercing through the lower lip frenulum is sometimes referred to as a frowny. Remember that healing time is going to be around 4 to 12 weeks.

Tongue Piercing (with barbell).
.....................................................€ 45.00
​Increasingly popular for sexual and aesthetic all reasons ……… a must for men!! Tongue Piercing -- is pierced with a barbell long enough to accommodate swelling and will need to be changed down to a shorter barbell after 2 weeks. Healing time takes 3 to 4 weeks but is always prone to shrinking so keep jewelry in at all times. Limited jewelry can be worn.
Navel Piercing (with ring).
.....................................................€ 30.00
Navel Piercing (with no jewel banana bell).
.....................................................€ 35.00
Navel Piercing (with single jewel banana bell).
.....................................................€ 40.00
The Navel Piercing -- is one of the most aesthetically pleasing of all piercing and its popularity continues to grow. Its purpose is purely visual and because of this there is a wide range of jewelry available with which to decorate it after it has healed. We offer a free jewelry, sterilizing and changing service when the navel has healed. Healing times are around 2 to 9 months, and care attention must be paid to the navel through out this time. Navels can initially be pierced with a ring or navel bananabell.

Surface Piercing (with bar or ring).
.................................................... € 35.00
Surface piercings -- are any body piercings that take place on the surface sewn into the body through areas which are not particularly concave or convex, where the piercing canal transverses a surface flap of skin, rather than running completely through a piece of body tissue from one side to another. A surface bar follows the plane of skin, while a standard piercing is pierced through the plane. Sometimes surface piercings are difficult to heal, because, as the body rejects the body jewelry as a foreign object, the jewelry is pushed to the surface, causing the piercing to grow out (also called rejection). Proper placement and jewelry selection by an experienced body piercer can help alleviate this problem. A well done surface can last anywhere between 3 months, several years or indefinitely.
Notice: Strictly over 18's only.
Nipple Piercing (with ring......Both: € 70.00).
....................................................€ 40.00
Nipple Piercing (with barbell Both: € 80.00).
....................................................€ 45.00
In Roman times Nipple Piercing -- rings were worn as a sign of virility and courage, now the piercing, is seen as a sexual and visually attractive piercing. The nipple can only be pierced with a needle, anesthetics are preferable as this piercing is very uncomfortable without. It is usually pierced at the base of the nipple where it joins the areola. Nipple Piercing can be pierced horizontally, vertically or diagonally. Healing times are around 2 to 6 months.

What to know in mind!!!
Isn’t your body worth quality jewelry?
( Please Note is what you pay is what you get. )
Jewelry prices can change from time to time depending on the jewelry company the standard jewelry is ordered from. All our jewelry is AMERICAN made and is of the highest quality of man made. All our jewelry is guaranteed for life to not break, tarnish, or crack. We will not put in BAD cheap jewelry that is made in China or Japan which are higher in nickel cause reactions or take longer to heal. Many people have found this out when they finally come to us and have quality jewelry placed in there piercings. In the long run if you don’t start with quality jewelry it will cost you more.............. SO STAY SAFE IT'S YOUR BODY.
Female Gental Piercing
Strictly over 18's only

Clitorial Hood (with ring or with barbell) .....................................€ 120.00
A brilliant Clitorial Hood Piercing -- (guess what sex we are?!) Healing time is variable 2 to 8 weeks, this piercing can be done vertically or horizontally. Safer than clitoris piercing and just as good.​
Labia Inner or Outer Labia (with ring or with barbell) ........................€ 120.00
Inner Labia -- mainly aesthetical and psychological! Heal very quickly indeed only 1 to 2 weeks. Its best to use rings to avoid swelling barbells are comfortable when healed, various jewelry can be worn, Outer Labia is like Inner Labia piercing they are mostly aesthetical, but have a longer healing time of 6 to 8 weeks. Positioning should be carefully chosen as discomfort may occur during everyday activities.
Christina Piercing (with curved barbell or surface bar)........................... €120.00
A Christina piercing -- also known as a Venus piercing, is a female genital piercing. It is located where the outer labia meet, below the pubic mound. The Christina piercing is anatomy dependant; it has a high rejection rate, and is not possible for all women due to anatomical variation. It is usually pierced with either a custom made curved barbell or surface bar to reduce the risk of rejection. The first known Christina piercing was performed in the 1990s. As is common practice in the piercing industry, it was named after the first recipient of the piercing, a woman named Christina. It is also occasionally referred to by the less commonly used term "Venus", in reference to its placement at the mons Venus.The piercing usually heals in 3 to 4 months.

Male Gental Piercing
Strictly over 18's only

Prince Albert (with ring or PTFE bar) .................................................€ 120.00
Sported by the man himself... A Prince Albert Piercing -- which can heighten sensations and looks incredible. Can be stretched up easily, heals well approximately 4 weeks. Interesting jewelry can be worn. Blood loss can occur during and after piercing. This piercing can also be done in reverse.
Foreskin (with ring or with barbell) .................................................€ 120.00
If used correctly the Foreskin Piercing -- can enhance your partners sensation. PTFE plastic is best to heal it with for a few weeks. they are easy to care for and they heal very quickly usually in 4 to 6 weeks. Frenum piercings are placed under the line of the foreskin attachment to the 'head' of the penis, taking care that the foreskin is not restricted in movement.

Frenum (with ring or with barbell) ...................................................€120.00
A good ‘starter’ genital Frenum Piercing -- easily pierced and not painful with anesthetic. Heals in 3 weeks. Limited jewelry and heightened sensations.
Hafada (with ring or with barbell) ..................................................€ 120.00
Hafada Piercings -- are aesthetical only and have a fairly quick rate of healing 5 to 6 weeks, easy to stretch up to wear thicker jewelry. The hafada can be uncomfortable so sometimes PTFE plastic is advised while it heals.
Guiche (with ring or with barbell) ...................................................€ 120.00
Guiche Piercing -- are aesthetical only and have a fairly quick rate of healing 5 to 6 weeks, easy to stretch up to wear thicker jewelry. The guiche can be uncomfortable so sometimes PTFE plastic is advised while it heals.

If you are thinking about getting a genital piercing, please no alcohol the night before.
Alcohol thins the blood and increases the risk of bleeding and bruising.